Ever thought of changing the world? Turning it into smethng u've always wanted? The fact still remains,"ITS US WHO MAKE THE WORLD". So we the one's with the ability to change it and make it a better place,a place that suits us all. But then,not all of us have the same needs,same wishes,blah,blah,blah so we got to stand up for what we want,individually though. Thats when the saying,"every man for himself,God for ur all" gains its meaning. Change starts with us,YOU in particular. This life we live,its all about moulding it into shapes that suit us. The world has evolved,gone are the days when you would hear someone complaining that,"this world aint treating me right!" Expecting the world to treat you right cause you are a good person is like expecting the lion not to attack you cause you are a vegetarian...So lets wake up people,and start making things right,not for the good of anyone else but our own.
